How important is the Word of God to you? To us, it's everything!
How else can we know the Truth? How would we know the Love which God has for us? How would we understand the truth of Creation? How would we know how to be restored, redeemed, and transformed?
Without the Word of God humanity would be lost. Those who possess this magnificent treasure are truly blessed, but do you realize that there are hundreds of People Groups; whole societies, that have no knowledge of God's Word? They have never heard it, read it, and they don't even know that it exists. Bowman Ministries is working to reach these People Groups who are still living in darkness. We have native team leaders in key countries like Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, and Pakistan working with us to carry the Word of God to very remote People Groups in the Himalayan Mountains, the Taiga of Siberia, the rugged northern regions of Pakistan, and the Altai Mountains of Mongolia /Russia. These native peoples can travel very easily, and have more ability to share the Gospel than western mission workers in many cases.
Mat 24:14 "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. "
We Trust The Word
In a day and age of deception, we declare to all of our partners: Bowman Ministries trusts in the clear, literal, and persistent Truth as expressed in accurate translations of the Holy Scriptures. We share the most accurate translation of the Word from the original manuscripts available for each People Group. We do not distribute paraphrases or re-written "poetic" interpretations of God's Word. We TRUST and BELIEVE by FAITH that every letter of God's Word has meaning, and should not be tampered with, as Jesus warns.